Minor changes: more comments, changed pattern for constant matching
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 70 additions and 34 deletions
@ -140,33 +140,34 @@ namespace AssemblerVVM
static int Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length < 1)
Console.WriteLine("No input files");
return 1;
Dictionary<int, string> ConstID_VALUE = new Dictionary<int, string>();
Dictionary<int, string> ConstID_VALUE = new Dictionary<int, string>();
Dictionary<string, int> ConstKEY_ID = new Dictionary<string, int>();
Dictionary<string, int> CodeMARK_POS = new Dictionary<string, int>();
List<pair> FuncPos = new List<pair>();
List<pair> FuncPos = new List<pair>(); //This array defines first and last line of every procedure
string outname = args[0]+".vvm";
string outname = args[0].Replace(".vasm","")+".vvm";
if (args.Length > 1)
outname = args[1];
int[] pos_d = new int[2] { 0, 0 }; //This array defines first and last line of data segment
string[] source = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(args[0]); //Array of source code
int[] pos_d = new int[2] { 0, 0 };
string[] source = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(args[0]);
List<string> src = PositionAnalyse(source, ref pos_d, ref FuncPos, ref CodeMARK_POS);
using (var bw = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(outname, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)))
using (var bw = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(outname, FileMode.OpenOrCreate))) //Writing into a file with bytecode
HeaderAnalyse(src, pos_d, bw, ref ConstID_VALUE, ref ConstKEY_ID);
funcH_common FuncCommonH = new funcH_common(CRC16_alg("main"), FuncPos.Count);
HeaderAnalyse(src, pos_d, bw, ref ConstID_VALUE, ref ConstKEY_ID);
funcH_common FuncCommonH = new funcH_common(CRC16_alg("main"), FuncPos.Count); //We define there that start procedure calls "main"
bw.Write(FuncCommonH.Serialize()); //We also define there number of procedures in our code
for (int i = 0; i < FuncPos.Count; i++)
FuncAnalyse(src, FuncPos[i], bw, ConstKEY_ID, CodeMARK_POS);
@ -178,13 +179,22 @@ namespace AssemblerVVM
static List<string> PositionAnalyse(string[] input, ref int[] posD, ref List<pair> posC, ref Dictionary<string, int> marks)
* This function fills arrays that define positions of functions and data in source text
* Return value - is an array of source text without comments, empty strings etc
* ---
* input - is an array of source text
* posD - is an array of start and end position of data segment
* posC - is an array of start and end position of every procedure
* marks - is an array of labes
List<string> src = new List<string>();
bool func_flag = false;
int pos1 = 0, pos2 = 0, numline = 0;
foreach (string s in input)
if (s != "")
if (s != "") //Skip empty strings
if (func_flag == true && Regex.IsMatch(s, @"\w+:"))
if (func_flag == true && Regex.IsMatch(s, @"\w+:")) //Labels cannot be outside of procedure
marks.Add(s.Trim(' ', '\t', ':'), numline);
@ -192,12 +202,12 @@ namespace AssemblerVVM
src.Add(s.Trim(' ', '\t'));
if (s.Contains(".data"))
if (s.Contains(".data")) //Checking data segment
posD[0] = src.Count - 1;
if (s.Contains(".endd"))
posD[1] = src.Count - 1;
if (s.Contains(".proc"))
if (s.Contains(".proc")) //Checking procedure segment
numline = 0;
pos1 = src.Count - 1;
@ -218,18 +228,29 @@ namespace AssemblerVVM
return src;
static void HeaderAnalyse(List<string> src, int[] pos, BinaryWriter bw, ref Dictionary<int, string> id_v, ref Dictionary<string, int> k_id)
str_header ConstH = new str_header();
string pattern = "\".*\"";
* This function creates bytecode header. Header contains signature, version, text constants and their size
* ---
* src - clear source text
* pos - position of data segment in source text
* bw - writer to a file
* id_v, k_id - dictionaries for text constatns
str_header ConstH = new str_header(); //Object that stores all text consntants.
string pattern = "\".*\""; //Pattern to take text constants (to delete)
string pattern_adv = "\"[^\"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\"\\\\]*)*\""; //Advanced patternn
int j = 1;
for (int i = pos[0] + 1; i < pos[1]; i++)
for (int i = pos[0] + 1; i < pos[1]; i++) //pos[0] = .data ; pos[0]+1 = first text const
int position = src[i].IndexOf(" ");
string key = src[i].Substring(0, position);
string value = Regex.Match(src[i], pattern).ToString().Trim('"').Replace(@"\n", "\n").Replace(@"\r", "\r") + "\0";
id_v.Add(j, value); k_id.Add(key, j++);
ConstH.const_count++; ConstH.size_const += (value.Length);
string value = Regex.Match(src[i], pattern_adv).ToString();
value = value.Substring(1, value.Length-2).Replace(@"\n", "\n").Replace(@"\r", "\r").Replace("\\\"","\"") + "\0";
id_v.Add(j, value); k_id.Add(key, j++); //All contstants have their numeric equivalent, so we store both.
ConstH.const_count++; ConstH.size_const += (value.Length); //Defining total size of constants
for (int i = 1; i < j; i++)
@ -237,32 +258,41 @@ namespace AssemblerVVM
static void FuncAnalyse(List<string> code, pair pos, BinaryWriter bw, Dictionary<string, int> dictStr, Dictionary<string, int> dictJmp)
* This function writes an actual procedure in bytecode.
* It will decode text-name of instructio into bytecode aswell as agruments for instruction
* ---
* code - clear source code
* pos - position of procedures
* dicStr - dictionary for text constants
* dictJmp - dictionary for every jump
string name = "";
MemoryStream str = new MemoryStream();
funcH_signature sign = new funcH_signature();
funcH_bytecode bc = new funcH_bytecode();
string[] current_str = code[pos.start].Split(' ');
string[] current_str = code[pos.start].Split(' '); //Spliting string in case of arguments for instruction
switch (current_str.Length)
case 4:
case 4: //2 arg instruction
bc.count_args = System.Convert.ToInt32(current_str[3]);
bc.count_locals = System.Convert.ToInt32(current_str[2]);
name = current_str[1];
case 3:
case 3: //1 arg intruction
bc.count_locals = System.Convert.ToInt32(current_str[2]);
name = current_str[1];
case 2:
name = current_str[1];
case 2: //No arg
name = current_str[1];
bc.id = CRC16_alg(name);
bc.id = CRC16_alg(name); //Hash encode for function name
name += "\0";
sign.size_signature = name.Length;
using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(str))
@ -289,7 +319,7 @@ namespace AssemblerVVM
else if (jumps.Contains(current_opc))
else if (jumps.Contains(current_opc)) //Pain in the arse
writer.Write(FindOffset(code, pos, j, ((ushort)dictJmp[current_str[1]]-j)));
@ -297,7 +327,7 @@ namespace AssemblerVVM
byte[] bcode = str.ToArray();
sign.size_bytecode = bcode.Length;
sign.size_func = 22 + sign.size_bytecode + sign.size_signature;
sign.size_func = 22 + sign.size_bytecode + sign.size_signature; //Magic number 22 - size of meta-info for
@ -307,15 +337,18 @@ namespace AssemblerVVM
public static short FindOffset(List<string> code, pair pos, int curr_pos, int off)
* This function calculating offset of bytes to jump a label.
short result = 0;
if (off > 0)
if (off > 0) //Jumping forward
for (int i = curr_pos + 1; i < curr_pos + off; i++)
result += OpCodeSize((opcode)Enum.Parse(typeof(opcode), code[pos.start+i].Split(' ')[0].ToUpper()));
else //Jumping backward
for (int i = curr_pos; i >= curr_pos + off; i--)
@ -341,6 +374,9 @@ namespace AssemblerVVM
public static ushort CRC16_alg(string msg)
* HashFunction on Cyclic redundacy check algorythm
byte[] text = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg);
const ushort polinom = 0xa001;
ushort code = 0xffff;
Add table
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